Now that I'm in week 35 of my pregnancy (about 5 more weeks to go) my comfort level has diminished tremendously. I threw out my back yesterday right before my 35th week prenatal appointment. You can just imagine how painful and uncomfortable it must have been for me to drive myself to the appointment, and once there, climb on top of the examination table for the doctor to examine us. Luckily I managed to handle the ordeal without much sweat. Unfortunately, there isn't much people can do for me. My poor husband keeps asking me if there's anything he can do. I can't take any anti-inflammatory medication, which would zap this pain right away. And I don't want to take Tylenol, which is not that effective with back strains. So I'm staying home, this is the second day, and am basically lying down as much as I can resting my back and applying hot compresses. At my last visit, the doctor said I was measuring a week smaller, which it's nothing to worry about because fundus measurements aren't 100% accurate either. Emma Lucia's heartbeat is at a healthy 140 beats/minute. She is facing down, with her head not yet engaged, but this could possibly change soon, as I have already started to get uncomfortable, yet painless cramps in my lower abdomen, which are a sign that the cervix is softening, and thus getting ready for labor. Yoohoo!
So, I'm just relaxing here at home, trying to get my head clear and organized for the weeks ahead. Much will be happening. I'm on a mission to re-organize and re-decorate the closets and the bookshelves. And today, the little seersucker dresses I bought for Emilu at zulily have finally arrived. Aren't they dreamy? The only complaint I have is their 3 weeks arrival time. This sucks! In this day and age of fast communications and flash consumerism, it really is shocking.