June 13, 2012

All the pretty horses

Mr. T is a horse man who's married to my mother's cousin.  He raises Paso Fino horses, a breed  prized for their smooth, natural, four beat, lateral ambling gait. Considered the smoothest ride in the horse world. Their home is a ranch just outside the city, which houses 20 + horses in stables, and five dogs. This is where you want to live if you have country in your blood. My grandfather did.  A city-boy turned country man.  He had Paso Fino horses too.  He loved and admire this breed's gait. For their tap tap, which resembles a dance. I recently visited the ranch for the first time. The horses are exuberantly beautiful.

The horses are ridden everyday.  According to Mr. T, most horses love to be ridden.  They like to be useful, but also learn to enjoy working and being ridden, as long as they are ridden well and frequently praised.  He's had horses that have given him a sullen look when they are about to be ridden. You teach them to love the work and the ride. And eventually they do. Some horses could be finicky eaters.  There's one mare that doesn't like alfafa at all.  (Note:  Alfalfa is highly nutritious forage for horses)  He's tried to mix it with other grass hays to no avail.  She leaves it whole without as much as touching it. Funny horse.
Would it be a horse ranch without a pretty energetic fox terrier?  Lilly is playful, but very laborious.  She might not interact with the horses, but she's engaged in their care.

I enjoyed visiting the ranch.  Maybe one day, I can actually ride a horse, and feel the country breeze in my face.  Do you like horses? Have you visited a horse ranch before?


  1. Ohh that is such a great post. I used to live in Wyoming and I used to ride horses. They are such an incredible creatures. Btw: that little terrier is pretty adorable too:) Have a great day, dear. xoxo

    1. Oh really you lived in america! How awesome! The horses were amazing. I particularly like the smell of horses. It's weird, but I do!

  2. What beautiful, regal horses! What a lovely place.
