April 4, 2012

What I had for lunch

Maybe I'll start a series entitled What I had for lunch or maybe not, regardless what I end up doing, I can't promise much these days, but I will commit myself to take more pictures of the foods I eat for lunch.  We always do lunch at home.  My husband works nearby and he comes home most days to have lunch with me.  So that means I'm in the kitchen preparing food twice a day, most days.

Today's adventure started with a beautiful vine tomato. I usually add tomatoes to everything; they are so delicious and so good for you, packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Sometimes when I don't feel like eating bread, I just prepare a huge tomato and basil salad, dressed in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, with a few pita chips on the side.

Our go-to sandwich consists of multigrain bread with spring mix greens, light french dressing, tomatoes, and Swiss cheese, and of course, a few kettle cooked chips (my guilty pleasure). Sometimes I do an improved version with a French baguette and arugula greens instead spring mix, add pesto dressing, and also some rotisserie chicken slices. And of course, some espresso to seal the deal. Do you prefer tea or coffee after lunch?

Buen provecho, friends!

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