July 3, 2012

Spotted: Jenni Juurinen, set designer

For a few years now, I've been slightly obsessed with Scandinavian culture, design and lifestyle.  I'm also drawn to other cultures and lifestyles, especifically the islands of Polynesia (quite the opposite, I know) Scotland, and countries of northern Africa.  I recently discovered the work of Jenni Juurinen, a Finnish set designer and stylist whose set designs, and styling is out of this world.  Her works include TV, film, theater and print credits.  She's also the owner of Little Helsinki, a style blog, and style editor at Deko Magazine. She's my new idol, and I would have never been so addicted to Scandivanian design if it wasn't for her. 
{Set design by Jenni Juurinem. Photography by Jorma Morstia}


  1. Being half Swedish, I loooove these! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I pinned like crazy when i discovered Jenni Juurinen, and did this blogpost: http://jamiesaysdream.blogspot.se/search/label/interior?updated-max=2012-01-25T18:09:00%2B01:00&max-results=20&start=14&by-date=false

    Fun, inspiring, free and very scandinavian. :-)

    Love Maria
