July 24, 2012

Weekend outings with a friend

A couple of weeks ago, my good old friend, who lives in NYC stayed with us for the weekend.  We had so much to talk and gossip about.  It was restorative to have her around, because my days can be tiring and sometimes, overwhelmed with routine stuff.  I took her to the farmer's market, Eastern market and flea, and to long walks around our neighborhood.  It was pretty low key, but we both needed this relaxation.  Here are a few pictures of that weekend.

 I love our green market.  The produce is always fresh and tasty, seasonal and local.  This past weekend we bought some amazing plums, peaches as always, or until they run out, nectarines, and the usual:  fresh, real cage-free eggs and some artisan bread.   Thanks for visiting, dear old friend.


  1. Great pictures. The farmers market looks like a really good one, and such fun finds at the other market, too!

  2. Waoooo!! Loved every picture! I woulddddd love to go shopping there, specially sandals, necklaces! BTW: I like your posts on this blog, it's so refreshing reading it!
