April 13, 2012

Have a fantastic weekend

{Image via This Brick House }

Woohoo, the weekend starts now!  I'm so happy that things are returning to a good normal.  Emilu's cold is almost gone, thank God it didn't go to her chest, hence no need for cough syrup.  We have had a week of small demo and renovation here.  The landlord changed our washer/dryer combo for new energy efficient ones, and because the hallway flooring got damaged due to the leaky old washer, they replaced the damaged floor with new hardwood floor tiles.  And next week, we are getting a new kitchen floor!  I chose a nice Home Depot concrete-looking resilient floor (I know, they let us choose) This has inspired me to repaint the kitchen and install a pegboard (Julia Child style) on the wall for our pots and pans, freeing space on our already tight cabinets for other important things, like more pantry items or my new crafts. I will also be trying this banana ice cream recipe and if time allows would like to try this DIY  as well. How about you, friends?  Any exciting plans?  As always, here a few links that brightly inspired me.  Enjoy and see you back on Monday!

Easter has past, but isn't this Danish Easter picnic so lovely!

 The most stylish brood on the blogsphere block!


Penguin Books is not just about books

DIY:  Painted wooden spoons (I'm totally doing this)

Dreamy countryside I want to live in

This salad is out of this world

Bilinguals are smarter

Painted pastels

Did you know Reading in a dream is impossible

Cute tinted mason jars

Source: mashable.com


  1. Finally I have changed the link at bloglovin, and I hope I will see all your posts now!

    How fun and exciting to get a new kitchen floor! And of course the washer/dryer, practical things like that is really important. I have to go down four stairs, over the yard and down in the basement to do my laundry. Not the best thing about living in this apartment.

    Have you already painted your kitchen or will you do it this weekend? Curious about the color :-) And I agree, the painted wooden spoons looks great! I want to do that DIY too, among a 100 others I want to try :-)

    I'm going to work this afternoon, the museum where I work is opening a new exhibition for children today: Alfons Åberg fyller år! (It's Alfons Åberg's birthday!) Alfons is a boy from a series of very popular childrens books, and he was "born" 40 years ago. The opening will be celebrated with a birthday party for Alfons today.

    Hope you had a great weekend! Love Maria

  2. Love the spoons.
    Glad to hear Emilu is feeling better now
