Reading about this amazing artist and about his philosophy of sharing his sketches with the world and how vulnerable it makes him feel at times, to be exposed, brings to the surface an artist's wost and most recurrent nightmare: fear of judgment and rejection. It's reassuring, to some extent, to know that even the greatest, most talented artists out there feel like this to some degree. In his own words, "... the more you draw and the more you share
your work, the more you will inspire your peers and people around you,
and the more motivated you'll get."
His greatest and most useful advice, " and talent is not a gift from god. I don't
subscribe at all at all to this point of view. The art of drawing is
purely mechanical. The more you practice, the better you get. There's no
secret involved, no formulas, no crutch. If you want to become an
artist...DRAW! Don't look for formulas and shortcuts." So, YOU artist, yes you out there, go on and do YOUR thing.
{Illustrations by Pascal Campion}
These are fantastic!! :)